- Message from the Principal
- Animals on School Property
- Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
- Attendance
- Bicycles
- Bus Riders
- Cell Phones/Smart Watches
- Classroom Celebrations
- Communication
- School Wide Expectations
- Dress Code
- Emergency/Health Information
- Homework
- Library
- Our School is Gender-Inclusive
- Our School Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
- Our School Stands Against Discrimination
- Nutrition Services
- Parent and Community Involvement
- Release of Information
- Safety Measures
- Safety Patrol
- Special Programs and Student Support
- Weapons Policy
Message from the Principal
A Message from the Principal: Welcome to Sierra Heights Elementary!
Sierra Elementary staff provide an educational program that helps students meet their greatest potential. We are reflective and life-long learners, who continually work to analyze student needs; differentiating instruction to accommodate for individual differences.
Working together, I am confident your child will receive the best education possible at Sierra Heights Elementary. I look forward to meeting each of you and hope to see you often! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 425-204-4650.
In this together,
Laura Bohn
Animals on School Property
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
For student safety we ask that our building/ campus be closed to parents and visitors at arrival (8:40-9:00) and dismissal (3:30-3:45) times. Please use the instructed routes for arrival and dismissal listed below. There will be staff to support students in finding where to go. Student safety is the number one priority. If you are required to be in the building during these times please make sure you are signed in as a visitor in the office.
Please remember, students must not arrive to school prior to 8:40 AM Monday -Thursday, and 10:10 AM on Fridays. Students must be picked up by 3:35 PM. If you wish to make a change to your child’s afterschool transportation the office MUST be notified by 3:15 PM to ensure the change is communicated to all parties.
- Before school, only parents with their own child(ren) can wait outside in front of the school in the designated waiting area, apart from other parties, and parents are expected to supervise their children always.
- When parents pick up their child(ren) after school, they are to wait in the designated Parent Waiting Area.
- Adults must use the crosswalk to escort or pick up their child(ren).
- At dismissal time, students must walk from classrooms to bus loading zone, crosswalks and/or to meet parents.
- Walkers are to go directly home after dismissal unless they are staying for prearranged, after school activities.
- In-line skates, skateboarding, bicycling and scooter riding are not allowed on school property.
Parking Lot Goal: To ensure a safe and orderly process for arrival and dismissal of students at Sierra Heights.
If you transport your child(ren) to or from school, please use the north parking lot of the school. The bus loading zone is located at the south parking lot of the building and this is the new main entrance to the building where our new office is located.
When dropping off in the north parking lot, we ask that you:
- When entering, or leaving the parking lot, vehicles will form a single file lane and remain in the single file lane.
- Drivers dropping off or picking up students will continuously move forward in the single file lane until the vehicle is positioned in the loading zones (between the 2 speed bumps). If you know your child is not always out right away, please park so you do not hold up the loading line. Students will be lined up at the designated dots.
- Students must enter the car on the passenger side. If your car is not arranged this way please adjust your car seats.
Once stopped between the 2 speed bumps, students can safely enter or exit the vehicle., on the passenger side. Parents please stay in your car.
- DO NOT park or leave your vehicle unattended in the Fire Lane
- All drivers transporting students to or from school by vehicle must follow these safety procedures.
Please help us keep kids safe! If we all follow this procedure the parking lot moves smoothly, and everyone gets where they need to be. Please be patient and avoid honking.
Student safety is the highest priority of the Renton School District. Therefore, we make every effort to ensure that all students are under appropriate supervision until they return to you a the end of their school day. School is dismissed at 3:35PM Monday-Friday. Please pick up your child promptly. Thank you.
Tardiness: Punctual arrival to school is critical to students because students that are frequently late to school miss out on important opening announcements and academic activities. Tardy students must report to the office and sign-in to be admitted to class.
Absences: Regular attendance is expected at school. Excused absences, tardies and early dismissals include, yet not limited to personal illness, family emergencies, observances of religious days, medical/dental appointments and school sponsored activities. Parents need to send a note with their child when he/she return to school following the absence.
Absence Verification: Parents should call the school attendance line at 425-204-4655 between 8:00-9:30AM if your child will be absent or tardy. If you would like to call before 8:00am or after 4:00PM please leave a message on our voice mail at 425-204-4655 with your student’s name and reason for the absence. If a student is absent and the school has not been notified by a guardian, the absence will be unexcused. If you do not call Sierra Heights each day your child is absent, you will receive and automated call notifying you of your child’s absence in the afternoon. When you contact Sierra Heights regarding his/her absence you will not receive the automated phone call.
If you wish your child to ride his/her bicycle to school, an application must be filled out and returned to the school. Please call the office for information on how to obtain an application. Only students in grades 3 to 5 will be allowed to ride bicycles to school. Students must wear helmets always. Students living east of Duvall and south of Sunset Blvd. are not allowed to ride bicycles to school. Skateboards, scooters, inline skates and roller skates will not be allowed on the school grounds at any time.
Bus Riders
Cell Phones/Smart Watches
Any device that is a continuous distraction to the learning environment (3 or more offenses) will not be allowed at school.
It will be the expectation at Sierra Heights that, if a student brings a cell/smartphone to school, he/she must keep it in their backpack and it must be turned off. If a student is using a cell phone on school property during school hours (8:40 AM-3:35 PM), the cell phone will be taken from the child and kept in the office until a parent comes to get it. The only exception would be if the use of a cell phone was pre-approved for a learning activity. Students are not allowed to text, call, or communicate with their smart watch during the school day. A student using their smart watch for anything other than to tell time will be asked to turn it off and place it in their backpack. Taking photos or videos with your phone, camera, or any other device while on school campus at anytime in prohibited
Classroom Celebrations
Our goal is to maximize our instruction time and minimize distractions.
Teachers might organize celebrations for their classroom. If you are planning on providing something for these organized celebrations please make sure you organize this with the classroom teacher including what time and day things should be dropped off.
Some students birthdays fall on a school day. We do not do classroom birthday parties. If you would like to provide a special treat (something small) to the class on your child’s birthday please organize that with the teacher ahead of time.
*Please note that balloons are not allowed in the school building at any time.
Communication is a two-way process between you and the school. Generally, it is recommended that parents take concerns to the staff member closest to the topic involved.
Contact the teacher with questions about:
- lessons taught in classroom
- behavior in the classroom
- academic progress
- assignments
- child’s attitude about school
Contact the principal with questions about:
- rules, regulation, procedures
- school-wide curriculum
- communication with your child’s teacher
- physical, mental or emotional needs that could affect your child’s performance at school
Contact the office:
- school-wide activities
- school facilities
School Wide Expectations
School Board Policy 3240: The Board acknowledges that student conduct and behavior is closely associated with learning. An effective instructional program requires a wholesome and orderly school environment. The Board requires each student to adhere to the rules of conduct and submit to corrective action taken as a result of conduct violations. The rules of conduct are applicable during the school day as well as during any school activity conducted on or off campus. Special rules are also applicable while riding on a school bus.
The Board also recognizes that schools must take reasonable steps so that students who fail to adhere to the district’s rules and regulations and who receive discipline for such misconduct remain engaged or are effectively reengaged in their educational program.
Students are expected to:
A. Conform to reasonable standards of acceptable behavior;
B. Respect the rights, person and property of others;
C. Preserve the degree of order necessary for a positive climate for learning; and
D. Submit to the authority of staff and respond accordingly.
School-wide expectations are posted throughout the building and in every classroom. At the beginning and during the year, students are taught and re-taught these expectations in various settings, such as in the hallways, cafeteria, on the playground, etc. These guidelines are included in the handbook. Students and classes can earn “Way to Soar” grams for exhibiting positive behaviors.
Dress Code
If clothing is distracting to the student or to others, it is inappropriate for school.
Dress for the school day should contribute to a positive learning environment. We ask the students to dress for safety, for comfort and for the job of being a productive student. School administrators will have final say on what is inappropriate or disruptive to the learning environment. Therefore, remember to follow the guidelines listed below:
- hoods and bandanas will not be worn inside the building
- drug or alcohol branded clothing is not acceptable
- inappropriate language, sexual innuendos or images are not acceptable
- belts will need to be worn with pants that tend to sag
- shorts and skirts must be at least “fingertip” length
- tank tops strap should be two fingers width
- tube tops, halters, and/or thin strapped tops are not to be worn
- midriff area must not be exposed.
- appropriate shoes should be worn for safety at recess and PE
- shoes: no flip flops, no heels, and no wheels
Emergency/Health Information
Health Room: Our nurse is in the building two days each week and always “on call” in emergencies. For care of ill or injured students, Sierra Heights office personnel are trained in first aid and CPR procedures. With limited facilities for the care of ill or injured children, it is important for the school to have UP-TO-DATE information about what parents would like to do in case of an emergency. Please be sure to have an emergency telephone number where you, or a person you designate, may be reached.
Health Concerns: Each fall parents are requested to fill out forms which give information of any student health problems. Please keep us informed of any changes in your child’s health and activity restriction.
Medications: Per law, school staff (including the nurse) may not administer medication to students unless you AND your health care provider has completed a “Medication at School” form. This ruling applies to all over-the-counter medications, including Tylenol, vitamins, cough drops, throat lozenges, etc. as well as prescription medicine. Inhalers are categorized as medication and will require written instructions. Forms are available in the school office.
Head Lice: The Renton School District has a No Live Lice procedure. Students may not attend school if they have any live lice. Parents will be notified if their child is identified with signs of live lice by either the presence of lice or nits. An informational pamphlet about how to manage the lice problem will be sent home. Students may return to school when treatment has been verified by the parent. The student may still have some nits. If you have any questions or concerns regarding head lice treatment, please contact the school nurse.
Health Screening: Vision screening for near-sightedness and hearing screening are given at school. Parents are notified if the results show a need for additional follow-up. These are screening services only and do not take the place of regular examinations performed by the appropriate health care provider.
The expectation is that all students will participate in the full school program, including recess and physical education (unless we have a physician’s note stating otherwise). Students who arrive at school with a cast, crutches, etc. are expected to have a doctors note with them stating the students limitations.
In general, your child should stay home from school when these symptoms are present: vomiting, diarrhea, elevated temperature, ear ache & sore throat when associated with fever, live head lice, inflamed or draining eyes, sores or rash (not obviously associated with an allergic reaction).
If your child’s temperature is 100 degrees or higher, they may not remain at school. Parents or emergency contacts are asked to pick up their child if a health problem occurs at school as soon as possible (30 minutes or less). A student with an oral temperature of 100 degrees or over should remain at home until free of fever for 24 hours.
When returning after an illness they should be free of a fever (without use of fever reducing medication) for at least 24 hours before returning.
Immunizations: Washington State law requires that all K-12 students must be immunized a
against Hepatitis B, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus (DPT), polio, measles (rubella), rubella
three-day German measles) mumps and varicella (chicken pox). The law states that parents
must fill out and sign a certificate of immunization status giving the month and year of each
dose of vaccine; or evidence of initiation of a schedule of immunizations; or exemption for
medical, personal, or religious reasons. The form must be filed with the school by the student’s first day of attendance at school. Forms are available in the school office. Required immunizations may be obtained from your health provider.
If your child is absent for more the two days, a parent may request homework on the morning of the third day. The parent will need to call the school before 9:30AM if the assignments are to be picked up that day. Please contact the child's teacher to arrange an appropriate pick up day/time. Materials will be available in the office, please call (425) 204-4650 to schedule an appointment to pick up the homework.
If a student loses or damages a book beyond repair that has been checked out to him/her, the parent is responsible for paying for the cost of its replacement. All materials checked out from the library need to be returned when due. At the close of the school year, all books must be returned to the library in a timely manner so inventory can begin. All books must be returned, and fines paid by the end-of-year.
Our School is Gender-Inclusive
In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. Our school will:
- Address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change
- Change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records
- Allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity
- Allow students to participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity
- Keep health and education information confidential and private
- Allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender
- Protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity
Read our full commitment to Gender-Inclusive Schools.
Our School Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. Our District Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) webpage defines HIB, explains what to do if you see or experience it, and our school and district process for responding to it.
Our School Stands Against Discrimination
Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status. Renton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of any of these protected groups and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Read more about Non-discrimination, including what it is and how to report it.
Nutrition Services
Parent and Community Involvement
Parents are the first teachers for their child(ren). Sierra Heights encourages a cooperative interaction with parents to provide opportunities for students to develop life-long learning skills and interests. We welcome your involvement at school and your attention to the program at home. There are many ways we invite you to participate in our community.
PTSA - The Parent, Teacher and Student Association is a vital part of the Sierra Heights team. Your membership dues support the school program and your active involvement keeps you more informed as well as offering more to the students. Many one-time and on-going activities need your help. If you can offer this, please do!
Volunteers Our parents and community volunteers at Sierra Heights promote student success! If you are interested in volunteering, you must have an approved background check on file with the Renton School District. Before an application can be approved the applicant must upload their COVID-19 vaccination card. Please use the following link to start the process: https://www.rentonschools.us/departments/support-services/safety-security/volunteer All volunteer opportunities must be prearranged with the teacher or front office.
Release of Information
Federal law and Renton School District regulation allows schools to release directory information. Directory information is identified as: student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, diplomas and awards received and most previous school attended.
Renton School District Publications: Occasionally Renton School District uses pictures of students in educational publications. Please notify us, in writing, if you DO NOT want your child’s picture used.
Safety Measures
Safety is a key concern and gets regular attention. The building and grounds are inspected and monitored consistently for repair needs and safe conditions. Your child’s day will follow a routine, and we ask for a written note if you request a schedule change (riding a different bus, being picked up by someone else, walking home/riding a bus when not routine). The note must be dated and signed by the parent or guardian.
Safety drills are done throughout the year to practice for emergencies such as fire, lockdown, earthquake and bus exit. Each classroom is equipped with supplies in case of an emergency.
There is minimal before or after school supervision on the school grounds. We ask that you have your child(ren) gauge their time so that they arrive no more than 15 minutes before the first bell rings. If your child walks, rides a bus or is driven to school, he/she must go to their class lines where there is adult supervision.
Emergency directions for your child when he/she arrives home from school and you are not there would be beneficial. Having a plan for such a situation helps assure safety and reduces everyone’s anxiety. Please develop an emergency plan with your child and review it periodically.
Emergency School Closure: It is the policy of the Renton School District to hold school whenever possible. However, there may be days when school must be closed or start later than usual due to weather or emergency conditions. The District uses several radio, television stations and internet to inform the community. If no mention is made of the Renton schools, our school is open “on time.” Explanations are also made in writing and distributed to all families prior to the winter season. Please, do not call the school or district for snow schedule information.
Updated Emergency Phone Number: It is crucial that we have accurate home and work phone numbers for student’s parents and guardians. For emergency purposes, we also need a reliable alternate phone number, such as a cell or work phone number.
Money, Valuables and Electronic Equipment: Because of the danger of loss, students are requested not to bring more money to school than is needed during the school day. Valuable jewelry, toys, iPads, digital cameras, cellular telephones, wireless headphones, smart watches and other high-tech electronic equipment are NOT to be brought to school. Personal items of any kind are brought at the student’s own risk. THE SCHOOL OR DISTRICT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST, DAMAGED OR STOLEN ITEMS.
Snowballs: Throwing snowballs is not allowed.
Rainy/Snowy Weather: Umbrellas are not allowed during recess.
Leaving School Grounds: Students are only permitted to leave school ground during school hours with written parent permission.
Safety Patrol
Special Programs and Student Support
Learning Assistance Program (LAP): The LAP mission is to provide intensive intervention for students below standard in reading. The goal of the program is to accelerate learning for these students and bring them quickly to standard.
Special Education (SPED): Special education provides additional assistance to students who are experiencing academic or behavior difficulties. Eligibility criteria for students served in special education is established by the state. Students who qualify for services can be served in any one or all the following areas: reading, math and written expression and/or behavior. The setting for services will be determined by the needs of each student and may include resource room, self-contained, consultation or inclusion models. On-going evaluation is made on these students. The goal is to give the student the necessary skills to be successful in the general education classroom.
English Language Learners (ELL): Sierra Heights offers an English Language Learner (ELL) program to students who need to develop English proficiency. We offer research-based instruction from ELL teachers in collaboration with mainstream teachers to effectively teach ELL students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Counselor: Sierra Heights has a school counselor who works with all students. The counselor may work with these students on an individual, small-group or classroom basis. Students, staff or parents may make referrals to the counselor for assistance with concerns such as friendship skills, adjustment to school, divorce, self-esteem, death, or anger management. The counselor works with parents and staff to help students be more successful in the school environment.
Speech Language Pathologist (SLP): Students identified with difficulties in the areas of speech, language and/or fluency that interferes with their educational performance, are referred to a qualified SLP. The student may receive assessments, consultation and/or remediation for these identified needs with parental permission. Students can be served in the general education classroom setting, in a small group/pull-out setting or on individual basis.
School Psychologist: School psychologists are assigned to all elementary schools within the district. They work cooperatively with school personnel to aid teachers and parents in understanding their child(ren)’s learning and social problems. Children are referred to the psychologist through the Evaluation Team.
Student Support Team (SST): The goal of the student support team is support the classroom teacher developing interventions that create student success within the regular classroom environment. The interventions must be research based, delivered in a focused environment, and executed with fidelity.
Student Evaluation Team (SET): This team is composed of teachers, special education teacher, speech language pathologist, occupational therapist, nurse, counselor, psychologist, and a building administrator. Teacher and parents can submit the name of a student who is having academic and/or behavior problems in the general education classroom. It is the team’s responsibility to determine if further testing needs to occur and to develop the appropriate program for that child if he/she qualifies for services.
Weapons Policy
Washington State Law (RCW 9.41.280) states that it is unlawful for any person to carry or possess a dangerous weapon or firearm on public school premises. Firearms and weapons are not allowed in school or district facilities, on school grounds, at school sponsored activities, or on transportation vehicles provided by the school district. If a student brings a firearm to school, it will result in an immediate expulsion for no less than one calendar year, and parents and law enforcement officials will be notified. The expulsion may be modified by the school district on a case by case basis pursuant to hearing provisions of Ch. 309-400 WAC